Thank you for coming to Tap Takeover at Beer Pub Ishii last Saturday.
We had many customers despite it was terrible weather.
And we are enjoying to find someone's post about the event in SNS too.
We really thank to Beer Pub Ishii, Liqours NODAYA and all.
Rain had stopped in this morning.
We have to do laundry !
♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
We get up earlier than before since we had Chickens to my home.
And we get more time for to do my farm.
Some photos of trees in the farm.
A Japanese plum.
Flower blossomed so earlier than usual. But its bears some plum.
The amount was not enough for beer but could make Umeboshi ( Japanese pickles ).
My neighbor's tree of loquat.
Loquat is a fruits juicy and sweet, native to China.
It gonna be good harvest !
It's Cherry. Grown well.
We couldn't harvest any fruits last year we don't know the reasons.
So we hope we'll get good harvest for beer.
Mosquito seasons will come soon...
Why they are exist ?
≪ Information ≫
21st May on Saturday,
We will attend a Local Festival of Anegasaki
with Furukawa Shoten.
Please visit!